
Welcome to this site. Thank you for investigating these pages, may the content herein bless your life. My name is Lory Demshar.  I have been on a quest to know and honor God for many years. I continue each day to learn of Him and to learn how to honor Him as God.

The Heart Behind These Writings
Magnify God
“Magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together. . .” Psalm 34:3 (ESV)

The heart behind these writings is to magnify God. When we magnify something we make it larger so that we can see it clearly and see the details. We cannot make God any greater or more magnificent than He is. When we magnify God we do not change Him, but we change how we see Him, and then how we interact with Him.

Glorify God
” Ascribe to the Lord, all you families of nations, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.  Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name . . .”  Ps. 96: 7-8a (NIV)
The word “glory” has many meanings among which are: weight and value, and the honor and dignity of a position rightly held. So when we are called upon to ascribe glory to God, we are to give God the ultimate value and worth in our life.

It is my hope and prayer that these writings will help us to see God’s ultimate worth in our lives and to give Him that place of value in our hearts and lives.

 Growing in Faith
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him . . . “  Jeremiah 17:7 (NIV)
One of the ways we grow in faith is through knowing the word of God and choosing to believe the truths that we read in it. Faith is the way we interact with God. There is no relationship with Him without faith.

It is my prayer that these writings will help you, the reader, and me as the writer, to identify these truths about God, His character and how He interacts with us. So that when I am experiencing pain, deep sadness, fear or anxiety I can believe that God is good, that God is faithful and that God cares about me, even when my circumstances and emotions do not see this.

Thank you for sharing with me this quest to know God and honor Him!

Lory Demshar